Greetings of Peace! May we be joyful and humble, precious and pure in the sight of God. - Sr Maria Goretti Amaladoss, Superior General - 7th July

Visit of His Excellency, Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli
His Excellency, the Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, the Apostolic Nuncio was invited by Poona diocese for the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Ordination of Bishop Thomas Dabre, the Bishop of Poona. We were privileged to welcome him and host him at our Generalate on 30 October 2021. He was very appreciative of us, Fatima Sisters. He celebrated the Holy Mass for us and at the introduction, I shared in short the history of our Congregation and requested him to pray for our Founder’s cause. He did promise at the end of the Mass that he would remember our request. Two days we enjoyed his company, he speaks good English, very simple and humble Archbishop. We were edified by his humanness. His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias too visited us.


Congregation Seminar
According to the decision of the Chapter, the Congregation Assembly was held in four batches from 18 Jan 2022 to 21 Feb 2022. In this memorable event of the Congregation 410 Sisters participated according to their batches from all the three units. Though the pandemic is prowling round like roaring lion, the seminar went on well. All the sisters could participate without being affected by corona virus. They had very spiritual and relaxing time. They could meet their companions after many years. he purpose of conducting the seminar was to bring the members of the Congregation together under the portal of the Mother House.

  Batch I
  Batch II
  Batch III
  Batch IV
  Rev Sr Maria Goretti Amaladoss, Superior General


Novices : The future of the Congregation

First Year Novices
Second Year Novices
Some of the activities of the Novices

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