Greetings of Peace! May we be joyful and humble, precious and pure in the sight of God. - Sr Maria Goretti Amaladoss, Superior General - 7th July


"Let your light shine before people, so that they will see the good thing you do and praise your Father in heaven." (Mt.5.16)

Sent by Christ

Fatima sisters by their very nature are visible signs of Christ's active presence in the Church. We share in the mission of Jesus by proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom. Our apostolic life is the accomplishment of Christ's mission, which the Holy Spirit entrusts to us in the Church, and the Church again recognizes it as our mission.

Apostolic Education

Our education is directed towards the total development of the person. we are particularly concerned with Gospel values in those we educate and forming them as responsible citizens of the country. In view of our Christians goals, the teaching that we impart in our schools must tend to give a Unitarian vision of faith to the problems of human existence to acquire the necessary knowledge of both secular and religious and to obtain the necessary qualification.

While we serve in educational institutions of various kinds we also reach out to a wider community through non-institutional education, giving special attention to the needs of the under privileged sections of society.

Social Apostolate

Our presence among people will be animated by the love with which God has loved us and which he wants us to share with others. Christian love extends to all without distinction of race, social status or religion. As Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, so do we who are sent by Him have a special concern for the poor and downtrodden. This spirit of Christ-like compassion will be foremost in our mind, when entering into relationship with the people.

In the spirit of St. Paul who became all things to all people, we will identify ourselves with the people of our field and activity. We will learn the local language thoroughly, study the mentality and culture of the people and adapt ourselves to the given situation. Social transformation being a slow process, lack of tangible and visible effects will not discourage us.

Home for the Aged

We care for the old and widows through our ministries of the home for the aged. We continue the compassionate work of Jesus, enabling them to experience a sense of belonging in and atmosphere of peace and joy.


The importance of Catechetical institution was felt by the founder Mgsr. Francis Xavier Kroot, even during the years that preceded the foundation. "If it be God's will I hope that the future convent may yet become an active catechumenate." Catechesis will be for us Fatimaites an effective means of evangelization. Through systematic religious instruction we shall promote among students and people an ardent love for the Word of God and an active participation in the liturgy. Thus we shall lead them to a personal commitment to Christ.

We endeavor to adapt our teaching of catechism to the capacity and sensitivity of our students in the way we present the Christian doctrine. Let us deepen our knowledge of the doctrine of the church and keep ourselves up to date in the study of youth psychology and catechetical pedagogy.


Like Jesus who loved the sick and healed them, we have the mission to assist the sick and alleviate their suffering. With compassion and sensitivity we encourage the sick to accept their suffering, being delicate and understanding also towards the relatives of the sick. We hold in high esteem those who share in this ministry of comfort and healing.

Boarding homes and Hostels

Keeping in mind the preferential option for the poor, our boarding homes are a place where poor and needy children, specially girls, are cared for, educated and prepared for life.

Social communication and Media

The effective use of social communication media ill be a powerful means for proclaiming the Good news in our apostolate. God challenges us through the signs of the times. This is why we are to be attentive to the needs of the changing world.

Inter faith Dialogue

Everything that is true, good and beautiful belongs to the Lord of creation. We, therefore, take part in a continuing dialogue with the followers of other religions who consciously or not are searching for truth and life.

Dignity of Labour

Manual work is as much an apostolate as any other work that is done with love. Through it we shall proclaim our joy in sharing God's creative action in the world, accepting fatigue and pain as our share in Christ's redemptive work and serving others willingly as He did.

In everything we shall place our trust in God, who can do great things and after we have done our best, we shall remember that we are only " unprofitable servants ", and glorify Him in everything.

Apostolate of Prayer

Our most powerful apostolate is prayer. It is the vital force in every work we undertake for the cause of the Kingdom. Realizing the importance of prayer in our lives, let us be zealous in imparting this same spirit to others in whatever work we may be engaged. "Certainly to be a god missionary here, you must be a person of prayer, practice self-denial, be detached from the world."

In our commitment to mission we draw strength from the source and summit of our Christian life-the Eucharist. In its celebration we join our own self-gift to God with Jesus' Obedience unto death; with Him we are included in ' life-giving love and committed to His mission in the world.

Our most powerful apostolate is prayer. It is the vital force in every work we undertake for the cause of the Kingdom. Realizing the importance of prayer in our lives, let us be zealous in imparting this same spirit to others in whatever work we may be engaged. "Certainly to be a god missionary here, you must be a person of prayer, practise self-denial, be detached from the world."

Our most powerful apostolate is prayer. It is the vital force in every work we undertake for the cause of the Kingdom. Realizing the importance of prayer in our lives, let us be zealous in imparting this same spirit to others in whatever work we may be engaged. "Certainly to be a god missionary here, you must be a person of prayer, practise self-denial, be detached from the world."

In our commitment to mission we draw strength from the source and summit of our Christian life-the Eucharist. In its celebration we join our own self-gift to God with Jesus' Obedience unto death; with Him we are included in ' life-giving love and committed to His mission in the world.

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